2023 census
The Occupational Health (OH) census aims to collect data annually on the OH workforce and OH activity. All OH providers – be they companies, self-employed, “sole traders”, NHS and Military employers – are encouraged to submit aggregated data. The Society of Occupational Medicine is piloting it, in partnership with the National School of Occupational Health.

The census does not identify people or company information; it will produce aggregate information to:

• Better understand the OH workforce for planning purposes e.g. to call for investment in the workforce, understand retirement intentions and profession-specific training; and

• Support advocacy and policy development e.g. demonstrating the number of workers OH assists.

Completing the Census will take approximately 15 minutes if you an independent practitioner and up to 30 minutes for an organisation. A copy of the Art and Occupation book (worth £45) will be sent to 5 people or organisations who complete the Census by 10th December.

Aggregated results will be shared publicly with all who submit data. A data processing statement, to ensure data is protected, is here.

Note: Help us avoid double counting. The census does not ask for individuals to be stated, which creates a risk of “double counting” of OH professionals. It would be appreciated if:

• Employers when they provide their head count only provide those who are employed by them and not temporary/agency workers; and
• Liaison occurs with staff to ensure double counting does not occur e.g. if a doctor is employed as part of more than one company.


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